The Importance of Executive Development
Informed and adaptable business leaders are crucial for an organisation’s transformational growth in a rapidly changing work environment. In response, executive education is moving beyond traditional skills refreshers to focus on equipping today’s leaders with the future-focussed skills they need to lead a company through the age of disruption. The benefits of strong leaders with the skills to overcome the challenges presented by the current landscape are far-reaching.
As we are moving into the Fourth Industrial Revolution, in a world where we are seeing increasing speed of innovation, it’s more important than ever to focus on developing future leaders and create a learning mindset across organisations.1
Gustaf Nordbäck, CEO of IE Business School Corporate Learning Alliance

Those who’re leading change in this volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous world… need to embrace a mindset of continuous learning and must constantly develop and improve their leadership skills. This is the key to organisational success today.8
Gustaf Nordbäck, CEO of IE Business School Corporte Learning Alliance
Executive education has numerous benefits for leaders, teams, and companies at large today. A thorough knowledge and understanding of the landscape in which your business operates translates into effective leadership, and an effective system overall. Investing in growth and learning in the digital age is crucial, and accessible through strategic executive education.
- 1 Oesch, T. (Oct, 2018). ‘The value of executive education: Blending formal and informal learning for senior leaders’. Retrieved from Training Industry.
- 2 Frank, F. (Dec, 2018). ‘How executive education is changing’. Retrieved from Training Industry.
- 3 Financial Times IE Business School Corporate Learning Alliance. (2018). ‘An international study of senior management attitude to leadership development’. Retrieved from The Pulse Report.
- 4 Link, J. (Oct, 2018). ‘Why organisations need digital leaders with these five key strengths’. Retrieved from Forbes.
- 5 Batheja, R. (Mar, 2019). ‘The often overlooked ingredients of tech transformation – leadership and culture’. Retrieved from People Matters.
- 6 Frank, F. (Dec, 2018). ‘How executive education is changing’. Retrieved from Training Industry.
- 7 Andriotis, N. (Jun, 2018). ‘6 soft skills to teach your leaders’. Retrieved from eLearning Industry.
- 8 Percy, S. (Nov, 2018). ‘The top three business priorities for leaders over the next three years’. Retrieved from Forbes.