Go for the Opportunity: How Studying Sustainability Gave Me Confidence in My Career
“One of the challenges I’ve experienced, and I think other women have experienced, is imposter syndrome. When I started out in the industry, I very often was the only female in the workroom. I found I needed to be educated just to give me a little bit more confidence.”
– Emma Nicholson, Principal Sustainability Project Manager

As an award-winning chartered construction manager and chartered environmentalist with more than 23 years of experience in the built environment, Emma Nicholson boasts an impressive résumé. But despite her professional successes, being a woman in a male-dominated industry can be challenging. Knowing that education would help her stand out, further support her credibility with colleagues and clients, and strengthen her voice to advocate for the planet, Emma completed the Business and Climate Change: Towards Net Zero Emissions online short course from the Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership (CISL).
A sustainable education
Already an expert in her field, Emma proves there is always space and opportunity to learn and develop in your career, especially as environmental and sustainability innovations reshape every aspect of business and society. She is vocal about how the course pushed her to look beyond her frame of reference. “[It] particularly broadened my mind regarding other sectors of the industry and their approach to sustainability and the challenges they have.” She speaks about the benefit of studying with CISL, saying: “It’s really increased my knowledge and ensured that I have an educated approach with regards to many of the sustainability solutions I provide to clients.”
Building better networks
Emma has nothing but praise for the CISL online short course. She says: “I was particularly surprised by the abundance and quality of the research material that was available to me.” Her advice to prospective students? “Just go for the opportunity. It’s great for international networking.”
Emma also mentions how interesting she found the course. She enjoyed looking into and learning what other industries and sectors are doing to embed sustainability into their organisations to achieve their net zero targets. Better understanding the business challenges and opportunities presented by climate change makes it easier for her to advocate for change.
Develop resilient businesses that help support a net zero economy.